Apex Legends has received a new update that brought the recently revealed Grand Soiree mega event, along with a few balance and gameplay changes. Pathfinder’s Soiree is comprised of seven smaller events that each last a day or two. Gold Rush Duos, the first event, is currently live. Gold Rush Duos limits loot to just the gold weapons for increased lethality. Here’s the full schedule:

January 14-15 - Gold Rush Duos: Gold weapons only with you and a friend. January 16-17 - Live.Die.Live: Automatically respawn on living squadmates when the ring closes. January 18-19 - Third-person Mode: Switches perspective to third-person. January 20-21 - Always be Closing: The ring won’t slow down. January 22-23 - Armed and Dangerous on World’s Edge: Shotguns and sniper rifles with limited armor on World’s Edge. January 24-25 - Night Game on Knigs Canyon: Default rules on a night version of Kings Canyon. January 26-28 - Dummies Big Day: “This game ain’t gonna test itself.”

The patch also made several gameplay tweaks. First, extended Energy mags have been removed. This was actually a change intended to go live with Season 4, so won’t make sense now. That said, you’ll have to deal with it until then. On the Legends side, Gibraltar’s revive speed has been boosted when inside his Dome Shield. Wraith will now move at the combined speed of both Into the Void and Dimensional Rift, assuming she’s activated both. The Into the Void cooldown has also been increased to 35 seconds, from 25. Crypto received the bulk of these balance changes, with a 30x buff to his Surveillance Drone health. His EMP no longer affect friendly traps or deployables, and no longer slows down friendly movement. Hit up Reddit for all the patch notes.