The trailer features Adler and the rest of the Call of Duty: Cold War gang making their way into an uncovered bunker in Verdansk following the recent earthquakes that destroyed much of the map. Making their way inside, the group discovers the bunker was a secret hideout for the Nazis. They come across Captain Butcher, a returning character from Call of Duty: WW2, who explains that he created Vanguard. Revealing a map beneath a nazi flag, Butcher explains that following the war they chased down nazis across the globe starting in the pacific. The cinematic portion ends as he points to Caldera - the new Warzone map. Following the cinematic explaining the narrative aspect of our leap from Verdansk to Caldera, we get a short glimpse at the new map through several dogfighting shots as WW2 era planes battle over the island. This is the first time we’ve seen plane combat in action, having previously been revealed in an official blog post. Only yesterday, Activision Blizzard released its Q3 financials which revealed that the company was anticipating Call of Duty: Vanguard to be a massive earner in the final quarter of 2021. This occurs while the company is in the midst of a lawsuit regarding evidence of sexual harassment and misconduct. Call of Duty: Vanguard is set to release tomorrow, November 5. The Warzone update will come slightly later, with Caldera being introduced on December 3 following a final event sending off Verdansk.