In the heat of the flames it can be tough to keep your cool. This fight can last a really long time, and the toughest part is both keeping your concentration and not panicking under the sustained attacking pressure. As the battle drags on, you also have to resist the impatient urge to get greedy and rush the pattern. If you stick to the safe punishes the Enenra leaves itself open to, you will eventually prevail.

Nioh 2 - How to beat the Enenra

Like with the Ippon-Datara, Onmyo Magic users can imbue their weapons with water talismans for extra damage - but it’s not necessary. If you’re not magically inclined, you can buy some from the Kodama Bazaar too. To get some cheeky chip damage, you can make the Enenra break the four pillars in the corners of the room to douse it with water. The embedded video is a successful run from my first blind playthrough of Nioh 2, and shows the basic strategy listed below. The Enenra fight is similar to a regular Yoki, but with a unique edge. The basic punch/kick combo is possible to dodge with just your normal walk speed, but you can side step around it to dash in and slash away as well. Sometimes it just does two punches, or sometimes it can do two kicks in a row, or two punch/kicks. Back off when it drops its shoulder to lean back for a kick, but when the combo is done, you’re safe to dash in for one or two chip damage strikes. When it disappears and reappears next to you, you need to dodge roll backwards, then nip back in after its two hit follow-up combo to retaliate. Then when the Enenra summons a row of tornados you can back off until that disperse and run between the spaces left. Back off from the bombs it spawns on the ground, as well as the two-handed ground slam where he summons a Dark Realm puddle - there are better opportunities to strike. The best opportunity is the Burst Counter where the Enenra turns into a tornado. Counter it quickly then slash away. There’s another rare unblockable Burst Counter that I’ve only seen once in the times I’ve fought it. I dodged backwards out of the way just to steer clear. As with the Mezuki, your Yokai Shift can help you spam down the last portion of the beast’s health bar if you’ve run out of healing. And by now you should have some decent Yokai Abilities from Soul Cores for a more powerful helping hand. Here’s our list of Nioh 2 boss guides! We also have pages on the best weapons and best skills we’ve seen so far in Nioh 2.