To put it simply, Emotions operate like a slightly more complicated game of rock-paper-scissors. A character whose current emotional state is strong against an enemy’s state won’t automatically win a fight against them. However, the character with advantage in the situation will see their base stats deal more damage to their enemy.

What does the Emotions Chart do in Omori? Other emotions How to inflict emotions Enemy emotions and rewards

What does the Emotions Chart do in Omori?

The Emotions Chart is a key item you receive in Omori after defeating two Happy Sprout Mole enemies. The chart lays out the rules of emotion-based strengths and weaknesses in battle, as seen below:


Sad is strong against Happy and weak against Angry. It increases Defense but reduces Speed. If taking damage to Heart (health), part of that damage will be dealt to Juice (skill stamina) instead. Sad has three levels: Sad, Depressed, and Miserable. Hero is the party member most closely associated with Sadness, and can take more hits in this state.


Happy is strong against Angry and weak against Sad. It increases Luck and Speed but reduces Hit Rate. Happy has three levels: Happy, Ecstatic, and Manic. Kel is the party member most closely associated with Happiness, and will move faster and deal more critical damage in this state.


Angry is strong against Sad and weak against Happy. It increases Attack but reduces Defense. Angry has three levels: Angry, Enraged, and Furious. Aubrey is the party member most closely associated with Anger, and can deal more damage in this state.

To view the chart in-game, open up the menu and select “Pocket” > “Important”. The Emotions Chart will be in there.

Other emotions

In addition to the three main emotions and their level variants as shown on the chart, there are two other emotional states in Omori. Neutral Characters will begin all encounters in the Neutral emotional state unless special conditions apply. When Neutral, all skills operate at their base levels.

Afraid Afraid cannot be inflicted on either enemies or party members, and usually only affects the characters during certain story beats. It has two levels: Afraid and Stressed Out.

A character who is Afraid has their available skills limited to Guard and Calm Down, and they can’t perform any bonus Follow-Ups after their main attack. Damage received is increased to 1.5x while Afraid.

How to inflict emotions

Each party member has their own unique skills, many of which can impact the emotions of their friends and enemies during battle.

Omori can use Sad Poem to make a friend or foe Sad. Aubrey can use Pep Talk to make a friend or foe Happy. Kel can use Annoy to make a friend or foe Angry. Hero can use Massage to remove an emotion from a friend or foe. (Unlike the others, Hero’s first emotional skill isn’t available by default and instead unlocks at Level 3.)

As the party members level up further, they will unlock more skills, including ones that can influence emotions:

Aubrey’s Team Spirit (Level 11) skill makes Aubrey and one other party member Happy. Omori’s Painful Truth (Level 19) skill makes both Omori and the target Sad. It also inflicts damage on the target. Kel’s Megaphone (Level 20) skill makes all other party members Angry. Kel is unaffected. Kel can also use Comeback (Level 29) to make himself Happy. Depending on the route, he can obtain the special Snowball skill that can make foes Sad and inflict more damage on them. Hero can use Enchant (Level 22) to draw an enemy’s next attack towards himself. The enemy targeted then becomes Happy. Similarly, Dazzle (Level 30) makes targeted foes Happy and reduces their attack power. By speaking to an NPC (Man on Fire), he can also obtain the special Spicy Food skill which can be used to make foes Angry.

Additionally, several skills have strengths or weaknesses when used by or targeted at characters in a certain emotional state.

Enemy emotions and rewards

Keep an eye on enemies’ emotions and use the Emotion Chart to determine the best ways to defeat them.

The emotional state of an enemy when you defeat them determines what you get at the end of the fight:

Defeating a Happy enemy causes them to drop better items and more Clam Coins. Defeating an Angry enemy grants more experience. Sad enemies don’t have item or XP bonuses, but they are easier to defeat. Omori Emotions Chart   How to inflict emotions and which to use - 5Omori Emotions Chart   How to inflict emotions and which to use - 94Omori Emotions Chart   How to inflict emotions and which to use - 63Omori Emotions Chart   How to inflict emotions and which to use - 28